Subject to Change
What a week it has been in the nonprofit world. Is your head spinning like mine?

Some of you faced tough service delivery decisions, revenue issues that are already hitting, the safety of volunteers and staff and, ultimately, so many unknowns. With information changing at lightning speed, it has been tough to make concrete decisions. The phrase, “subject to change,” has never been more accurate.
As we are in a time where our nonprofit services are needed more than ever, last week was just the beginning of working through these challenges. We want to make sure the community, leaders and elected officials understand the vital role nonprofits play everyday and how our work is impacted, just as they consider the impact on the business community. As this situation continues, the demand for nonprofit services only grows.
We are here with you. Learning new tech ways to stay connected, preparing for even more changes and making tough decisions about events, fundraising and dates on the calendar that are impossible to predict. If you find yourself in this situation, too, join us on Wednesday, March 25 at 2 pm EST for a virtual town hall meeting. We will explore what’s going on, share some resources and, hopefully, learn from each other. Register for the virtual town hall at