The Change Makers: Hart County Scholarship Alliance

How can we make a difference for students in our county? That is the question a group of Hart Countians considered as they decided how to best direct their work. The question led them down a path of discovery with school personnel, students and fellow community members, culminating in the Hart County Scholarship Alliance.
HCSA is a group people convened by former Hart County High School teacher Steve Kistler. Steve came to CKCF wanting advice and guidance with an idea of starting a scholarship fund for Hart County students. His vision became a reality as HCSA engages the community annually to raise money for dual credit tuition assistance for Hart County students.
Dual credit classes offer students both high school and college credits while they are still in high school saving Hart County families a significant amount of money. Even with these savings, HCSA learned the cost of these dual credit classes were still out of reach for some students.
Dual Credit courses can vary in price but typically run from $150 to $210 per class. The same class at a state university would cost over $1,000. These credits are widely accepted by Kentucky’s state universities and the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
Since Hart County Scholarship Alliance is an initiative of CKCF, gifts are 100% tax deductible.