Donor Resources
Central Kentucky Community Foundation provides a simple, powerful, and highly personal approach to giving.
We offer a variety of philanthropic services to help people achieve their charitable giving dreams. You can give cash, appreciated stocks, real estate, or other assets. Most charitable gifts qualify for maximum tax advantage under federal law. For more information and ideas on ways to integrate your financial planning with charitable giving, ask your financial advisor or contact Central Kentucky Community Foundation.
A Donor’s Story

A concerned call from an attorney: “I have a client that doesn’t know where to turn. Can you help her?”
When we met, her burden was obvious and heavy. After recently losing her husband, she had decisions to make, business to handle, and things she wanted to do. Most importantly, she wanted to honor the memory of her husband. And through all of this, she was grieving.

For many Americans, their charitable dollars are invested close to home. Whether it’s an organization that has touched their life in a meaningful way or a cause they are passionate about, when it comes time to donate, they want to see the dollars make a difference in their community.
It’s no different when it comes to their estate planning. People want to make a lasting impact on what matters most to them. That’s where our Give5 initiative comes in. With a gift of 5% in your estate plans, our community will benefit forever.
Endow Kentucky

Endow Kentucky is a great state incentive for charitable giving to benefit Kentucky income taxpayers – both individuals and business. Through Endow Kentucky, you can receive a state tax credit up to 20% of your charitable gift to a permanent endowment fund with Central Kentucky Community Foundation.
Types of Gifts

Each individual, family or organization we work with has unique charitable interests and unique financial circumstances. We help you make the most of both, so you receive the greatest return on you community investment.
Types of Funds

We offer several types of funds to meet various needs and giving strategies. Donors can give to existing funds that support organizations or community efforts.
Donor FAQ

Frequently asked questions for donors.