Of People, Philanthropy and Fun

Philanthropic “Ph”ocus

(From CKCF’s July Newsletter) Do you have a Donor Advised Fund but don’t always know where your contribution would be most needed in our community? Do you know what organizations are working on causes you care about?  That’s where CKCF’s Partners in Philanthropy program shines. Partners in Philanthropy is a donor program that empowers individuals…

Central Kentucky Community Orchard

Do you like the outdoors? Do you like volunteering in the community? If you said “yes” to both, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us today at info@ckcf4people.org to be a part of the growth of the Community Orchard.

Celebrating Community Philanthropy

Celebrating Community Philanthropy will be held on Thursday, September 26th where we will celebrate the incredible impact of philanthropy in our region. Thank you to The Cecilian Bank for being our event sponsor.