Donor FAQs
1. What is CKCF’s policy around donor confidentiality?
2. What are my rights as a donor to CKCF?
3. Can my children or other family members get involved?
4. Are my gifts tax deductible?
5. Who manages CKCF’s investments?
6. Where does my money go?
7. Who runs the foundation?
8. Can I get my gift back?
CKCF maintains the highest level of confidentiality with respect to donor information. We will not share donor names, addresses, or fund-related financial information with any individual or organization outside CKCF without express permission from donors.
Central Kentucky Community Foundation fully endorses the Donor Bill of Rights created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute.
Yes, if you choose an endowed donor advised fund, you may name co-advisors and successor advisors to continue to guide the fund both while you are involved and into the future.
Because we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, you’ll qualify for the maximum income tax or estate tax deductions when you establish a fund or contribute to an already existing fund. Consult with your tax professional for further details.
CKCF’s funds are invested under the guidance of CKCF’s Finance and Investment Committee. Following a board adopted investment policy, the oversee the professional institutional investment managers who make the investment selections for CKCF.
Gifts are made in two ways: to a specific fund or CKCF to support our work. When gifts are made to a specific fund, it can only be used for that purpose. The assets of the CKCF are all accounted for by donor designated and tracked accordingly.
CKCF is a public charity governed by a local, volunteer board of directors. There is no owner of the foundation, no profits generated or paid to the board.
Charitable gifts to the foundation are not refundable under IRS regulations. Please be thoughtful in your consideration of your charitable gift. We follow the Association of Fundraising Professionals Code of Ethics in Fundraising and strive to exceed donors’ expectations in our work.