Estate Gifts
You’ve worked hard to build relationships with your donors, especially people who give regularly to your mission. But what happens after your donors pass away? Even though conversations with donors about estate gifts can feel uncomfortable, they often lead to stronger relationships and giving plans.
Don’t let the sensitivity of the talking about estates keep you from having important conversations with people who care about your organization. CKCF offers estate planning workshops, training and assistance to nonprofits. We can tailor a planned giving program for you or guide you in working individually with donors.

Asking your regular donors to leave a bequest to your endowment fund at Central Kentucky Community Foundation can eventually lead to a forever commitment for your organization. Their gift will benefit your organization forever and create a personal legacy for them. We can facilitate even the most complex planned gifts or gifts of appreciated stock or real estate for your fund. Bequests allow donors to give in the future without affecting their current financial situation and to continue their charitable giving beyond their lifetime. It may also reduce estate or inheritance taxes.
Establishing or giving to a fund with CKCFa donor’s will or trust is a popular planning technique, which may result in estate tax savings for them. Our Give5 Initiative encourages people to consider the community in their estate plans. By giving 5% to an endowment fund for your nonprofit, the donor will ensure your work has a perpetual funding source and they can have peace of mind the cause they care about can continue its work forever. Donors can designate your fund at CKCF as a beneficiary of their estate to receive a percentage or defined dollar amount.
To find out more about estate gifts and how they can benefit your nonprofit organization, please contact Davette Swiney at 270-737-8393 or by email at dswiney@ckcf4people.org