Marvin and Joyce Benjamin Fund

Kindness. Understanding. Inclusiveness.
It is because of these values that Marvin and Joyce Benjamin, who spent most of their adult lives living and working in Elizabethtown, left their estate to a philanthropic dream that was personal to them.
The Benjamins moved to Elizabethtown in the 1950s, operating Melody Music store for decades. Marvin was Jewish and Joyce, Catholic. We can only speculate on some of their experiences over those years that led to the gift of $2 million to establish the Marvin and Joyce Benjamin Fund. The purpose of the fund – to fight hatred, bigotry and anti-Semitism. As we work to carry out their wishes, the Benjamin Fund strives to foster kindness, understanding and inclusiveness among the diverse people who call our community home.
Since receiving their gift, the fund has sponsored programming to carry out the Benjamins legacy such as the upcoming Never Again: One Holocaust Survivor’s Story at The PAC on Wednesday, October 18th, at 7 p.m. Holocaust survivor, Alice Dreifuss Goldstein, will speak at a FREE community event sponsored by Central Kentucky Community Foundation’s Marvin and Joyce Benjamin Fund. Tickets are FREE, but you’ll need to reserve a seat before attending the event. Please click HERE to reserve your seat. The exhibit, Never Again: Murals of the Holocaust, will be on display from October 18th – November 21st at Elizabethtown Community and Technical College’s Morrison Gallery Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m – 4:30 p.m. with extended hours each Thursday until 7 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
We are fortunate the Benjamins chose to make their home here and held the future of our community in high esteem. We celebrate the fact that two people cared enough to leave such a fundamental, transformative gift to our community.
To learn more or to get involved with the work of the Benjamin Fund, please contact Davette Swiney at 270-737-8393.