Multiply Your Generosity with a
Donor Advised Fund

It’s never been easier to give back to your community and manage your charitable donations, thanks to Donor Advised Funds at Central Kentucky Community Foundation.

Think of a Donor Advised Fund as a charitable savings account: you contribute when it’s best for your taxes and then direct donations to qualified charitable organizations at a time of your choosing. ​

What’s even better? Your fund grows tax-free, boosting the amount you can give to the causes you’re passionate about. It simplifies giving and maximizes your charitable impact.

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Smiling woman at table at workshop

How It Works

1) Donations

A donor makes an irrevocable, tax-deductible donation to CKCF, sponsor of a donor-advised fund program.​

2) Investments

The donor may advise the investment allocation of the donated assets-any investment growth is tax free.

3) Grants

The donor may recommend grants to qualified public charities of his or her choice. ​

“We have a heart for our community. We are passionate about our church and several nonprofit organizations. A Donor Advised Fund through CKCF allows us to give to the organization we want to while taking advantage of a tax benefit.” ​

Georgia and Ed Gordon

Georgia and Ed Gordon

Why Choose CKCF for Your Donor Advised Fund?

Simple Giving, Complex Assets
  • No need for numerous tax receipts—it’s all in one place, with one annual summary ​
  • Support multiple causes with one fund ​
  • Avoid the hassle of a private foundation ​
  • Have the flexibility to give complex assets like real estate or business entities
Tips and Tricks to Maximize Your Impact
  • Get professional advice from CKCF staff who have unique and powerful giving ideas and opportunities ​​
  • Develop a personalized giving plan that fulfills your long-term vision and charitable legacy ​
Fees Support the Community
  • Fees at CKCF directly support initiatives to solve community challenges and other efforts to improve quality of life in our local communities. ​
Local Expertise
  • Tap into our deep understanding of the issues, opportunities, and initiatives shaping our region—so you can make informed giving decisions​
Opportunities to Learn & Connect
  • Attend educational programs, connect with donors, and learn from local, regional, and national experts ​
  • Learn about emerging issues and funding opportunities through site visits and presentations ​
Low Minimum Investment
  • Donor advised funds at CKCF can be opened for $5,000. ​​​
Donor Advised Fund chart comparison
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Choose What To

Cash icon


Real estate icon

Real Estate

Life Insurance icon

Life Insurance

Mutual funds icon

Stocks, Bonds, & Mutual Funds

Closely Held Stock

“CKCF is here to be your partner to help you navigate those questions and concerns and help you feel good about the financial decisions you make as they pertain to giving. One of the things I enjoy most is sitting down with you, learning what matters to you and how we can connect that to make a difference in our community.” ​

Davette Swiney, President/CEO

Davette Swiney talking at event

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum contribution needed to set up a Donor Advised Fund?

Your fund can be set up with a contribution of at least $5,000.​

When and how often should I recommend grants from the Fund?

You may request grants from your fund whenever you wish. We encourage you to recommend grants from your fund on a regular basis. Some advisors choose to do this annually, while others offer their recommendations throughout the year.​

What kind of organizations may I recommend for grants?

You may recommend publicly supported 501(C)(3) charitable organizations, schools, or government entities. ​

May I serve on the board of an organization and recommend a grant to it from my Donor Advised Fund?

Yes, as long as you receive no personal benefit from the grant.​

How do I request grants?

You may recommend grants throughout the year, either online through the Online Donor Portal or by email, letter, or a personal meeting with CKCF staff.​

Is there a minimum grant amount?

Individual grant recommendations must be a minimum of $100.​​

May I recommend a grant to an organization outside of Kentucky?

Yes, you may recommend a grant to any qualified nonprofit within the United States. Donor Advised Funds that receive the Endow Kentucky Tax Credit must support charitable work in Kentucky.​​​

May I recommend a grant to an individual?

No. According to IRS regulations, community foundations may make grants only to qualified nonprofits, public charities, religious institutions, or government entities.​​​

What is the fee for administering my fund?

CKCF assesses each Donor Advised Fund with an annual fee of 1.5 percent. This fee directly supports our mission to empower thriving communities in Central Kentucky.​​​

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It’s Easy to Get

Would you like to learn more about Donor Advised funds?​

Let us answer your questions and assist you with your charitable interests.

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