Home of Philanthropy Capital Campaign

At Central Kentucky Community Foundation, we work with impact-minded people in our region to carry out their philanthropic wishes to improve the lives of people in our community. With a personalized approach and local expertise, we can help you improve what matters most to you.

In this spirit, we are thrilled The Home of Philanthropy is complete and ready for the work of the community.

Although construction is done, the capital campaign is not. Our goal is to raise $1.3 million of the $3 million project costs through philanthropy. With leadership contributions, along with other generous gifts from community leaders, the capital campaign has now surpassed $800,000 raised.

Will you join us to build hope for the future through the Home of Philanthropy?

Learn more about the Home of Philanthropy  and a list of our partnership opportunities 

The new home for our community wouldn’t be possible without the generosity and support of many. Please make your commitment today! Make a gift online, or contact Davette Swiney (dswiney@ckcf4people.org or 270-737-8393), President and CEO, about how you can become a sponsor and make a difference.

Home is where the heart is, and this Home is where our heart will reside and flourish: the heart of those making a difference — the heart of those determined to enhance and build the future of our community — the heart of those changing lives forever.



The Cecilian Bank

The Cecilian Bank President and CEO Greg Pawley, joined by members of the bank’s Board and staff, presents a $250,000 gift to CKCF President and CEO Davette B. Swiney, members of CKCF’s Board and our Capital Campaign Fundraising Committee.


Mike and Dana Bowers


Newcomb Oil


Brandon and Danelle Fogle
Dr. Chris and DaneNell Knight
Joe and Jennie Prather
PNC Bank
South Central Bank


Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Hardin Memorial Health
Roy H. and Linda Keith, Jr.
R. Terry and Kay L. Bennett
William and Joyce Godfrey


A.D. and Elaine Alicna
Anthony and Leah Abang
Barbara McMahan
Betsy Kiefer
Brad and Leigh Richardson
Col. Larry and Betty Sue French
Daksha Mehta
Daniel London
David Kiefer
David and Donna Pence
Denis Morrow
Dick and Marilyn Ardisson
Dow Corning
Dr. Robert and Rita Robbins
Ed and Janelle Poppe
Florida Tank & Equipment Inc.
Gene and Mona Ray
Home of Philanthropy Steering Committee
J. Michael and Carolyn Baldwin
Jeffrey L. Ashley and Associates, LLC
Jimmie Dee Kelley
John and Julia DuPlessis
Joy Carroll Miller
Judge John Simcoe
Kelly Mark Easton
Kenneth and Nannette S. Johnston
Lamonte and Mimi Hornback
Mark and Sheree Nelson
Mark Haynes
Michael and Susan Nethers
Mike and Moninda Coyle
Mike and Carol Jones
Neil and Mary Donna Atcher
Owsley Family Chiropractic
Paul Curtis Estes
Randall and Marilyn Ford
Tammy Moloy
Theodore and Sandra Stiles
Thomas and Shari Clark
Thomas Academy Farm
Tomkins Gates Foundation

Lindsey Alicna
Rick Baumgardner
Teri Bennett
Chris Carter
Michael B. Coyle
Dennis Parrett
Terry Patterson
Jody Prather
Barbara Proffitt
Jeff Richardson
Kevin Ryan
D. Dee Shaw
Jamie Sizemore
Tommy Turner