Message from the President/CEO
Greetings! It is an honor to have the opportunity to continue to serve our community with you.
“Explore all possibilities, create extraordinary relationships, and make every conversation count.”
Marcia Wieder
The above quote by Marcia Wieder really speaks to our work at CKCF. It is through a conversation that many of our ideas and initiatives evolve. It is how we discover what matters to you – your passions, your desires and your dreams for people in our community.

The most frequent question I hear is, “What is a community foundation?” And there are so many answers to that question.
Obviously, we are a financial resource for the community. We work with donors to customize their charitable giving through the variety of funds and services we offer. These donors make it possible for us to carry out their philanthropic desires, but to also serve as a greater resource to our community.
CKCF is more than a financial conduit from donor to organization or cause. We look at the whole of the community and how we can best facilitate advancement in those areas critical to our community’s success. And we engage others to collective action. As a foundation, we are often looked to for the financial assets we can provide in the community. Our community has other assets in a very valuable portfolio.
One key asset that distinguishes a community is caring people. We have the privilege of working with many people who give of their time and their talents, in addition to their financial resources to benefit our community.
It is seeing this desire by others to make our community a better place and the willingness to invest in making it happen that truly makes this job special. Thank you!